Conducting & Writing the Literature Review


Acquired Skills

  1. Evaluate the purpose of a literature review.
  2. Enhance their academic information skills.
  3. Identify the key considerations when evaluating the sources, selecting the most appropriate ones for your literature review.
  4. Recognize the approaches to literature reviews.
  5. Build a strong and convincing argument using suitable literature and data to develop and present your argument in your literature review.
  6. Develop your thinking, embed your ideas, and articulate your thoughts clearly.
  7. Structure and write a strong literature review, avoiding common pitfalls.

Target Group

  1. Students enrolled, or planning to enroll at postgraduate programs (Master’s & Doctoral).
  2. Early Career Researchers.
  3. Academics who want to refresh their info and take a structured training. 
  4. Senior undergraduate students.

Course Duration/Hours

15 Hour

Course Category

Scientific Research and Publication Courses